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Meditation Program with Christophe André

21 days to combat stress, anxiety and sleep problems.

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The 21-day program changed their lives

Find inner peace in just 10 minutes a day for 21 days.

Let go of your emotions and thoughts to better face everyday and feel serene.

Learn to relax using meditation to fall asleep quickly and enjoy peaceful nights.

Learn to manage your negative emotions through meditation.

Work on your emotional intelligence to understand others and live better in society.

Find your personal well-being to be calmer, more at peace and welcome the future with serenity.

Work towards your personal fulfillment every day.

Do you recognize yourself in the following statements?

► You often have the feeling that you’re in danger or that something catastrophic is going to happen to you.

► You feel anxious and worried about the little things in life.

► You find it hard to control your anxiety. 

► You have trouble falling asleep.

► You often wake up at night, even when you ‘re exhausted.

 When you ‘re anxious, you find it hard to concentrate and think about other things.

► You worry about being around other people and feel nervous in their presence.

► You sometimes have panic attacks. – You’ re often irritable.

► You have abdominal pain, unexplained headaches and common medications aren ‘t helping.

These are the most common symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety is that worry, that fear, that feeling of insecurity that assails you in the face of an upcoming event, whether real or imagined.

It’s completely natural.

But when nothing really justifies it, when it becomes invasive, uncontrollable, then it’s a threat to your well-being.

When you systematically see the future in a negative light, when anxiety becomes an all-pervasive companion, it literally ruins your life.

Christophe André programme méditation
Resilience is like the oyster that makes a pearl from a grain of sand.

Meditation as a solution

Christophe André, psychiatrist and emotion management specialist, was the first in France to introduce meditation into the medical field as a treatment for anxiety-related disorders.

Over the past 20 years, he has been able to measure the success of this increasingly popular practice.

He has developed a special program to combat anxiety in just 10 minutes a day for 21 days, enabling you to manage and control crisis episodes until you feel completely at ease, return to a peaceful sleep (even if you wake up at night) and a peaceful, fulfilled life thanks to meditation exercises you can practice anywhere.

These exercises are suitable for people who episodes of panic attacks or simply anxious people who or simply anxious people who would like a more serene life away from daily stress.

The aim of the meditation program is to give you methods to better control your stress and emotions in all situations, so that you can look to the future with greater peace of mind. manage your emotions in all situations , so that you can look to the future with greater peace of mind.

programme méditation

The Meditation Program

Short videos (1 per day) so you can keep up with them, even if you have a busy schedule.

Simple, accessible exercises to help you rediscover a calmer life.

Tips and methods to help you control your stress, manage your emotions and look to the future with peace of mind.

Daily follow-up by e-mail to assess your progress for 21 days.

A limited number of people per session to enable you to progress and motivate each other.


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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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BONUS: Included in the program

Bonus #1

40+ masterclasses from the best French-speaking mentors to see and rewatch all year round, wherever you want, when you want.

Bonus #2

1-year subscription to the
unlimited MentorShow pass

What do you get after registering?

Access to all downloadable masterclass guides.
Access all masterclasses offline with the MentorShow mobile app.
Exclusive access to all new masterclasses over the next 12 months.
Unlimited access to all online masterclasses.
Access to the private community
Access to the MentorShow Podcast.

Christophe André.

Christophe André is a psychiatrist specializing in the psychology of emotions and mindfulness meditation, Christophe André was one of the very first doctors to suggest meditation to his patients back in 2004.

He has spent most of his career at the Hôpital Saint Anne in Paris, in the Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy Unit, specializing in the treatment and prevention of emotional, anxiety and depressive disorders.

In 2016, he was awarded the Jean Bernard prize by the Foundation for medical research.

Best-selling lecturer and author of numerous books selling hundreds of thousands of copies in France and abroad, Christophe André is one of the leaders of mindfulness meditation in psychotherapy.

Christophe André méditation


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MentorShow is an online streaming platform featuring masterclasses by leading mentors.
Our goal is to give you access to knowledge knowledge wherever and whenever you want, in areas as varied as well-being, personal development leadership, entrepreneurship, cooking, photography, sports and many other categories.

→ Excellence: Masterclasses are taught by the leading mentors in their field. → Flexibility: You can view masterclasses wherever, whenever and however you like, from your computer, smartphone or tablet. → Accessibility: You have access to masterclasses even off the internet with the MentorShow app. → Support: You’re not left alone with your questions, you have access to a private community for support and mutual assistance.
The unlimited pass gives you access to all masterclasses whenever and wherever you want, as many times as you like. You can also download the masterclasses to your smartphone so you can follow them even even without an internet connection , thanks to the MentorShow application.
Each masterclass contains 15 to 20 videos, averaging 15 minutes each, so that you can watch them at your own pace and have time to apply to apply your mentors ‘ advice and the exercises they suggest .

You have unlimited access to all masterclasses for 1 year,
As many times as you like and as often as you like.
You can learn and progress at your own pace, without putting any pressure on yourself.

We make it a point of honor to offer you the teachings of the greatest mentors in their field.
MentorShow is designed to provide access to knowledge to as many people as possible at an affordable price.
By using these mentors, everyone knows the value of their knowledge.
We want to give everyone the chance to learn from the best.

Classes are designed to be accessible to all (beginners and/or advanced). You have 1 year to progress step by step, Practical exercises enable you to move up to a higher level of competence. You can share your progress and get support in the private community.
Each masterclass is designed to be completed in an average of 30 days, at 15 minutes a day, but you can of course go faster or slower depending on your schedule. You can watch the entire masterclass and then go back to the beginning to absorb each teaching as many times as you like during your subscription. as many times as you like over the duration of your subscription. The courses are based on advances in neuroscience, so as not to saturate the memory with information, neuroscientists recommend that you study the skill you wish to acquire for 15 minutes each day. It’ s better to spend a little time on it, and go back sooner, than to spend several hours on it, but not regularly enough. That’s why we’ ve developed an app so you can enjoy it on public transport, in a waiting room, when you ‘ re queuing somewhere …

We only want satisfied subscribers.
You have 14 days to explore the platform.
If you change your mind during these 14 days, simply send an e-mail to [email protected] and we ‘ll refund your money.

It’ s quick and easy:

Step 1: Click on ” Offer the Pass”,

Step 2: Register or log in to your account,

Step 3: Enter the details of the person you wish to offer the Pass to,

Step 4: Set the gift dispatch date,

Step 5: Fill in your payment details.

When your payment is accepted, the person to whom you have given the Pass receives their gift on the date you have programmed.

And if a step or piece of information seems confusing, you can ask your question(s) by sending an e-mail to : [email protected] and we ‘ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Access to 40+ masterclasses for €12/month.

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