Learn western meditation with Pablo d'Ors
The creator of “Biography of Silence”, explains in an entertaining way and suitable for all levels, how through contemplation and silence, you can explore yourself inwardly with the aim of finding fulfillment.
From 12€/month (annual billing)
2,360 reviews on
Wonderful course. Enjoyable, clear and very well structured. Thank you very much for so much.
Macaca 12/03/2024
Great course. Thank you very much for offering it. Congratulations to the teacher. One hundred percent recommended.
Esperance 10/03/2024
What you will learn
- Learn how to incorporate the practice of meditation into your daily life.
- To be more centered and to live more fully, which is in essence, the fulfillment of one's life.
- Begin the path to self-knowledge. Take the first step to love yourself, because you cannot love that which you do not know.
- Grow as a person: Introspection is not an easy exercise, but Pablo will help you find the necessary courage and overcome the fear that paralyzes us in our attempt to shape ourselves.
- Travel to your own center in search of inner peace.
- Satisfy your yearning for fulfillment.
Masterclass program
Pablo D’ors explains in a pleasant way and suitable for all levels, how to mediate through contemplation
Le contenu du cours
Le contenu du programme
16 lessons - 5 hours
Trailer - Masterclass Pablo d'Ors02:41 min
Chapter #1
1. Who is Pablo d´Ors?11:21 min
2. What are we going to do here?19:30 min
3. Enter your sacred space08:38 min
Chapter #2
4. Be still17:55 min
5. Relax09:49 min
6. Just breathe22:49 min
7. Recite a mantra22:28 min
Chapter #3
8. The masters of the desert16:35 min
9. The heart or the mystique of love21:33 min
10. The shadow or the dark side16:38 min
11. Enlightenment or the fruits of practice23:38 min
Chapter #4
12. At the school of word18:23 min
13. At the school of listening16:10 min
14. At the school of forgiveness14:40 min
15. At the school of blessing11:10 min
16. Your life plan19:32 min
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To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
To access this lesson, you must subscribe to MentorShow.
“The West is not worse or better than the East: both are necessary, both are beautiful, both are one, both are called to be.”
If you are looking for inner peace, but are not sure how to get started in the art of meditation, Pablo d’Ors is probably your best gateway, because his methodology is the happy union between Western and Eastern spirituality.
For the first time Pablo d’Ors gathers his spiritual wisdom in an exclusive masterclass in film quality, which will help you to connect with your inner self, to put your feelings in order, to accept your reality, whatever it is, and to find peace.
In this masterclass, you will get the necessary tools to start your inner journey. A universal and simple method to meditate.
Pablo d’Ors is going to show you ways to walk towards fullness and some exercises that will allow you to go through them, in a language accessible both to those who are approaching the world of meditation for the first time and to those who already have some experience in this practice of silencing.
“A Masterclass that I hope will inspire you and offer you the motivation you need to find the truth.”
The masterclass in a nutshell
- Learn how to incorporate the practice of meditation into your daily life.
- Begin the path to self-knowledge.
- Journey to your own center in search of inner peace.
- Fulfill your yearning for wholeness.
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Pablo d'ORS.
Writer, theologian and philosopher, Pablo d’Ors is one of the great referents of the practice of meditation and gives conferences and retreats all over the world through his network of meditators “Amigos del Desierto” (Friends of the Desert).
He has published a dozen titles: short stories, essays and novels.
His Biography of Silence, with over 300,000 copies sold, has become a classic on the art of meditation.
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