Jonathan Lehmann.

Happiness cheat sheets: the keys to being happier without changing your life.

Simple, concrete exercises to learn how to live happier.

Get started with Jonathan Lehmann and 50+ mentors for only €12/month (billed annually).

15 Lessons
5 Hours
15 Exercices

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The method for living happier, without changing your life.


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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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What if you finally allowed yourself to be happy in life?

If there’s one thing that unites us all as human beings, it’s our aspiration to be happy.

So why do we focus so much on things that don’t make us happy, like …

Working more,

Earning more money,

Being able to buy things that won’t bring us any pleasure,

Comparing ourselves to others and envying their way of life, without even knowing if it really suits us?

Probably because no one in our lives ever teaches us how to be happy.

Jonathan Lehmann realized this while working as a corporate lawyer on Wall Street.

He worked on transactions that made the headlines.

He worked all the time, nights, weekends, vacations, any time.

Although he had a comfortable salary and a situation that many envied, he was plagued by depression and increasingly thought about suicide.

So he put a stop to it all, threw away all his money, prestige and fame, and set off in search of happiness.

For six years, he traveled the world and opened up to new horizons.

He discovered spirituality and meditation.

He discovered that making small changes in our lives can have a big impact on our knowledge of ourselves and others, and on our ability to realize our dreams.

From these teachings, he has developed a method for learning how to create more moments of happiness for ourselves, and lessen the impact of all the negative emotions to which we are subjected every day in our stressful, anxiety-provoking daily lives.

Jonathan Lehmann, author of the best-selling “Les antisèches du bonheur” (the happiness cheat sheets) , takes this masterclass a step further.

Using simple, easy-to-apply exercises, he gives you a real guide to happier living, without revolutionizing your lifestyle, but by giving you the keys to understanding the rules of the game of life and focusing on the things that make you feel good.

Like him, “you can’t change the past, but you can do your best here and now.”

Welcome to the first online course from the most assiduous student of happiness.

Jonathan Lehmann.

A former Wall Street corporate lawyer, Jonathan Lehmann quit when he realized that his profession wasn’t making him happy and was plunging him into a deep depression.

So he gave up the money, the luxury hotels and the power of his status, and set off in search of happiness.

For three years, he traveled the world, from California to Italy, Sri Lanka to Brazil, meeting spiritual teachers and thinkers.

He learned meditation, yoga and shamanism, and developed a new connection to his body, to nature and to others.

Author of the best-selling book “Les antisèches du bonheur” (The happiness cheat sheet), he now shares his research and experiences with those who also have a hunch that they could enjoy life even more if only they could better master their thoughts and emotions.

The aim of this masterclass is to teach you how to live happier, quite simply.

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MentorShow is an online streaming platform offering masterclasses by leading mentors.
Our aim is to give you access to low-cost knowledge whenever and wherever you want, in areas as varied as well-being, personal development, leadership, entrepreneurship, cooking, photography, sport and many other categories.

→ Excellence:
Masterclasses are taught by the leading mentors in their speciality.
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The unlimited pass gives you access to all the masterclasses wherever and whenever you want, as many times as you like. You can also download the masterclasses onto your smartphone so you can follow them even without an internet connection, thanks to the MentorShow application.

Each masterclass contains 15 to 20 videos, averaging around 15 minutes each, so you can watch them at your own pace and have plenty of time to apply your mentors’ advice and the exercises they suggest.

You have unlimited access to all the masterclasses for 1 year,
As many times as you like and as often as you like.
You can learn and progress at your own pace without putting any pressure on yourself.

We make it a point of honour to offer you the teachings of the greatest mentors in their speciality.
MentorShow has been designed to give as many people as possible access to knowledge at an affordable price.
By calling on these mentors, everyone knows the value of their knowledge.
We want to give everyone the chance to learn from the best.

The courses are designed to be accessible to everyone (beginners and/or advanced).
You have 1 year to progress step by step,
Practical exercises enable you to move up to a higher level of competence.
You can share your progress and get support in the private community.

Each masterclass is designed to be completed in an average of 30 days at a rate of 15 minutes per day, but you can of course go faster or slower depending on your schedule.
You can watch the whole masterclass and then go back to the beginning to soak up each teaching as many times as you like during your subscription period.
The courses are based on advances in neuroscience,
To avoid saturating your memory with information, neuroscientists recommend that you study the skill you want to learn for 15 minutes each day.
It’s better to spend a short time on it, but not allow your memory to forget, than to spend several hours on it, but not regularly enough.
That’s why we’ve developed an application so that you can take advantage of it on public transport, in a waiting room, when you’re queuing somewhere…

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Step 5: Fill in your payment details.


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And if you’re not sure about a step or piece of information, you can ask your question(s) by sending us an email to: [email protected], and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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