Teaches meditation

Christophe André, makes meditation accessible to everyone. Say goodbye to stress, anxiety and everyday problems and embrace calm and serenity with 25 meditation exercises. Every day, take one more step towards your personal happiness with the man nicknamed "favorite psychologist of the French".

The masterclass in a few words

Christophe André, makes meditation accessible to everyone. Say goodbye to stress, anxiety and everyday problems and embrace calm and serenity with 25 meditation exercises. Every day, take one more step towards your personal happiness with the man nicknamed "favorite psychologist of the French".

With mentors

Christophe André



Masterclass program

4 modules 14 lessons

What you will learn

The exclusive method in 14 new lessons and 25 exercises to learn how to meditate and improve your quality of life. *For all levels, whether you are a beginner or more advanced, you are bound to improve your practice and have fun.
How to meditate consistently. A lot of people try it once and then don't continue with the process. Christophe André gives you his keys to making meditation a daily habit. You just have to apply the method.
All the exercises have been thought out and imagined so that they can be done anywhere and only in a few minutes. Whether at work, outdoors or at home. Simple, practical, efficient.
Meditation exercises with different goals and therefore different results. Some will serve you all your life, and others will accompany you at a specific time to resolve a situation.
How to deal with negative emotions, put them aside and regain control of your day.
We tend to “forget about ourselves” on a daily basis. Take (finally) time for yourself through meditation and give yourself moments that are your own.

(Finally) take time for yourself

War, inflation, recession, the difficulties of everyday life...

These are all sources of stress.

Stress refers to our reaction when we are subjected to demands or requirements from our environment.

When our environment requires us to adapt, it triggers a stress reaction.

When the demands we face are within our reach, stress isn't a problem, because we're able to manage it.

On the other hand, when the situations we're faced with are too high, too violent, too sudden or far too frequent, our ability to manage our stress becomes more problematic.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have you recently been upset by an unexpected event?
  • Is your sleep sometimes disturbed?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with everything you have to do?
  • Are you irritable when events get out of hand?
  • If you answered yes to one or more of these simple questions, you're probably more stressed than you think.

But it's precisely because the more difficult external conditions are, the more robust and stable we need to be internally to cope.

So how do we do it?

(Finally) take time for yourself

Christophe André is a psychiatrist.

He specializes in emotional disorders such as stress, anxiety and depression.

Year after year, he realized that he could use meditation to treat these disorders, without resorting to medication.

In 2004, he was the first to introduce meditation to the French medical community, and he and his team have achieved excellent results.

But meditation isn't just for people with psychological problems - far from it.

With a few rare exceptions, stress and anxiety affect practically everyone, and sleep problems affect a huge number of people in France.

There are many scientific studies to prove the benefits of meditation.

In fact, meditation has been very popular in recent years.

Yet many people take the first step towards meditation, but give up because they lose self-confidence and feel guilty if they don't stick with it.

This may be the case for you.

The problem for 90% of people who start meditation?

It's being regular.

In reality?

It's okay not to be regular.

It's okay to do just one mediation a week, or a month, or even a year.

Meditation shouldn't be an ordeal, but a way of calming your body and mind, and refocusing at certain moments in your life.

Of course, it's always best to make it a routine for a few minutes a day.

But it's not easy for everyone. And that's okay.

In this masterclass, Christophe André offers you his method for practicing meditation at your own pace, without it becoming a constraint.

So that in just a few minutes a day, you can find your way to inner peace and a calmer life.

Learn more about your mentor

Christophe André

Christophe André

Doctor, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Christophe André introduced the use of meditation in healthcare practices in France. He is the author of several bestsellers including the book "Meditating Day after Day", hundreds of thousands of copies sold worldwide.

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