Michel Cymes.

How can you reach your ideal weight and feel good about yourself?

In this masterclass, Dr Michel Cymes reveals what today’s medicine says about finding your healthy weight, and gives you tips on how to get there.

Get started with Michel Cymes and 50+ mentors for just €12/month (billed annually).

13 Lessons
5 Hours

What you will learn

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The most effective way to reach and maintain a healthy weight without dieting or frustration.


To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

Getting started


To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

Getting started


To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

Getting started


To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

Getting started


To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

Getting started


To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

Getting started


To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

Getting started


To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

Getting started


To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

Getting started


To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

Getting started


To access this lesson, you must become a MentorShow subscriber.

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Masterclass bonuses

Bonus #1

An astonishing discovery

How to favor your genetic predisposition to weight loss

Bonus #2

All about the yo-yo effect

Dr Michel Cymes explains why your body is not made for dieting.

Bonus #3

The effect of sleep deprivation on weight gain

The detrimental effects of sleep deprivation on the hormones that regulate your sense of hunger and satiety.

You can’t stand those extra pounds. Every morning, you look in the mirror. And every morning, you hate what you see.


Dieting? You’ve done it, of course.


You’ve listened to all the advice from people who don’t know what it’s like to suffer in silence, trapped in a body you can’t stand.


You’ve heard them tell you: “Lose weight? It’s so easy. All you have to do is eat healthy and exercise.”


As if it were that simple. Oh sure, you’ve tried. At great sacrifice, you lost a few pounds. And then you cracked.


Again. Because you can’t help it. And because frankly, who could resist that cake in the window?


You bought it and ate it in secret.


You felt guilty for two days, saying to yourself: “I really have no willpower. Why am I so weak?

Why did I eat that damn cake?


I promise, this is the last time.” But you did it again the next week. Little by little, the guilt may have lessened. Or at least, you told yourself you could live with it.


But when you get back on the scales, you feel stressed. Because you’ve gained back all those kilos you worked so hard to lose. In the end, all that dieting and frustration was for nothing.

Diet, frustration, stress, guilt: that’s the vicious circle of weight (re)gain. That’s why 80% of diets fail.


And you know what? This is normal.


It’s not your fault. Like everyone else, you’ve been programmed since childhood.


Your past has conditioned your relationship with food. Your subconscious has integrated everything you were told as a child. When your parents told you: “If you behave, you’ll get a sweet”.

Your subconscious associated sugar with a reward.


“If you’re not good, you won’t get dessert”.


Your subconscious has associated food deprivation with punishment.


“Finish your plate. Think of all the children in the world who have nothing to eat.”


Your subconscious has associated not finishing your plate with guilt.


Of course, your parents had nothing to do with it. They thought they were doing the right thing.


They too heard the same phrases from their own parents.


We’re all conditioned from an early age. For most of us, food is associated with comfort.


It’s part of our upbringing, and the reason why so many diets fail.


But being overweight is not inevitable. There are ways to improve your diet and change your relationship with food.

In this masterclass, Dr Michel Cymes reveals what today’s medicine says about finding your ideal weight, and gives you advice on how to get there, regain the energy you lack and live as long as possible in good health.

Michel Cymes.

Doctor, ENT surgeon, columnist, radio and TV host, Michel Cymes is a household name. His shows attract millions of listeners and viewers.


“Les pouvoirs extraordinaires du corps humain” (the extraordinary possibilites of the human body), which he hosts with Adriana Karembeu on France 2, beats audience records with every broadcast.




His sense of humor and ability to talk about any subject without taboos or complexes have captivated millions of French viewers for over 20 years. In fact, he was voted their favorite personality of 2018.


In this masterclass, he explains how to find and maintain a healthy weight, with a relaxed yet serious approach.

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MentorShow is an online streaming platform offering masterclasses by leading mentors.
Our aim is to give you access to low-cost knowledge whenever and wherever you want, in areas as varied as well-being, personal development, leadership, entrepreneurship, cooking, photography, sport and many other categories.

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We make it a point of honour to offer you the teachings of the greatest mentors in their speciality.
MentorShow has been designed to give as many people as possible access to knowledge at an affordable price.
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The courses are designed to be accessible to everyone (beginners and/or advanced).
You have 1 year to progress step by step,
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Each masterclass is designed to be completed in an average of 30 days at a rate of 15 minutes per day, but you can of course go faster or slower depending on your schedule.
You can watch the whole masterclass and then go back to the beginning to soak up each teaching as many times as you like during your subscription period.
The courses are based on advances in neuroscience,
To avoid saturating your memory with information, neuroscientists recommend that you study the skill you want to learn for 15 minutes each day.
It’s better to spend a short time on it, but not allow your memory to forget, than to spend several hours on it, but not regularly enough.
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