Maxime Rovere.

The philosophical method to develop your critical mind.

How to think differently about your life and become free in a complex world.

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How to think differently about your life and become free in a complex world.


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Masterclass bonuses

Bonus #1

Individual instructions

How to use this masterclass to become the actor of your own philosophy.

Bonus #2

The notion of noise.

The unexpected philosophical lesson of the masterclass shoot.

Bonus #3

Live exercise.

The live application of Maxime Rovere’s method to a subject imposed by the MentorShow film crew.

Are you really sure you have the freedom to think for yourself?

In a world where everyone gives their opinion on everything and anything,

In a society where it’s usually the last one to speak who’s right,

How can we find answers to the questions we all ask ourselves?

How do we know ourselves?


How do we face up to our everyday problems?


How can we be free?


What if the solution lay in the way we ask ourselves these questions?

Philosophy has always had a single aim: to know the truth in order to live better.


But to know the truth, we need to ask ourselves the right questions, and above all, we need to know how to ask them.


That’s the difference between personal development and philosophy.


The questions are the same, but the way of answering them is different.


Where personal development claims to provide tools and techniques for self-knowledge, philosophy steers clear of certainties and ready-made solutions, because it takes into account the intrinsic complexity of the human being (and therefore of each and every one of us).

Philosophy does not aim to provide ready-made solutions, but rather to teach methods for providing our own answers to the questions we ask ourselves, based on the context in which we live.


It’s precisely this highly pragmatic philosophical method that Maxime Rovere teaches you in this original and edifying masterclass.


His aim is not to teach the history of philosophy, nor to saturate you with literary references (this masterclass is by no means a high school course).


His aim is to teach you how to use philosophy to change your way of thinking, to think differently and to live free and at peace with yourself in an increasingly complex world.


A great specialist in Spinoza, Maxime Rovere has made his formula his own: “don’t mock, don’t deplore, don’t curse, but understand.”


At the end of this unique online course, you’ll have a simple and powerful philosophical method for tackling your everyday problems and transforming the way you think and live.


You’ll know exactly how to develop your freedom to think.


Maxime Rovere is a philosopher, graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and an Associate of philosophy.


A French specialist in the thought of Spinoza (whom he re-translated from Latin in 2021), he is the author of the rare French bestsellers in philosophy, including “Le clan Spinoza” (sold 30,000 copies) and “Que faire des cons?” (sold 50,0000 copies).


He has taught at all levels, from kindergarten to doctorate, and lectured at the most prestigious universities (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Princeton, Mc Gill).


Maxime is invited all over the world to present his conception of philosophy.


His unique and accessible pedagogy is at the heart of this masterclass.

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