Fabrice Midal.

"Let yourself be", another approach to meditation

Stress, anxiety, exhaustion… Discover 18 lessons, 20 meditations and over 100 tips to relieve pressure and see life differently.

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18 Lessons
20 Meditations

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“Let yourself be”, another approach to meditation


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Masterclass bonuses

Bonus #1

Be a narcissist, you're worth it!

Stop being so hard on yourself…

Bonus #2

How can you be serene when everything's falling apart?

You don’t have to feel calm only when everything’s going well.

Bonus #3

What about spirituality?

Fabrice Midal explains the principles of spirituality in 3 criterias.

Family obligations, pressure at work, life at 100 km/hour, stress, burn-out, injunctions from those around you (or even from yourself)…


 How many times have you heard:


– “Don’t be stressed…”

– “Don’t get upset …”

– “Calm down …”


You live a life of pressures and obligations.

You feel you’re not up to the job.

You feel you can’t do it.


And these feelings have been poisoning your life, sometimes since childhood.


Do you know that there’s a solution that some people claim to be miraculous?


That solution is meditation.



You’ve never tried it before,


Or you’ve tried to practice it without any real success…


Maybe you’ve even tried it over and over again, trying every possible method,


with no convincing results …


And the pressure is still there…


Meditation can help!


But how?


In this masterclass, Fabrice Midal will guide you along the path he has discovered.


This path, which he calls “Let yourself be”, is the fruit of research with leading neuroscientists and therapists in various fields, his own research, his own experience as a philosopher and 30 years of meditation.

Throughout this course, he will help you to understand and accept the idea that you have the right to be as you are.


He will accompany you through guided meditation exercises to change the way you look at yourself.


Thanks to these simple, non-instructional meditations,


You’ll understand where the pressure you’re under comes from, and what kind of state of mind you need to adopt to stop it controlling you.



Fabrice Midal has a particular approach to meditation.

He’ll help you to calm down, even if you’ve failed to succeed in previous meditations,


And even if you’ve never practiced it before.


This masterclass is a real turnkey method for accepting your emotions and finding inner peace.

fabrice midal.

Fabrice Midal was born in Paris in 1967. In 1988, he met Chilean cognitivist Francisco Varela, who introduced him to meditation. They met once a week for 15 years, until his death.

He then turned to Buddhism, studying with masters of the Tibetan tradition such as Khandro Rinpoche, Thrangu Rinpoche, Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, Lopön Tenzin Namdak, and particularly the teachings and work of Chögyam Trungpa.

From 1994 to 2001, he studied philosophy with François Fédiere in the Khâgne class at the Lycée Pasteur in Neuilly. During these 7 years, he attended every day as an auditor.

In 1999, he completed his doctoral thesis in Philosophy at the Université Paris 1 on the meaning of the sacred in modern works of art. Fabrice Midal has been teaching Buddhist meditation for over fifteen years. He founded the Prajña & Philia association to establish a Western Buddhism in dialogue with Western philosophy and poetry.

In 2006, he founded the Western School of Meditation with the aim of spreading a secularized “Western Buddhism” to practicing meditation without a religious dimension. This school advocates the use of “full presence”. He teaches a new approach to meditation for living in peace.

He is the author of books on spirituality, such as “Mythes et dieux tibétains” , “Trungpa” , “L’esprit de chevalerie” and “The spirit of chivalry”. L’esprit de chevalerie: des atouts pour l’homme moderne” and “Quel bouddhisme pour l’Occident? He is also the author of the French edition of the oral biography of the 14th Dalai Lama.

Fabrice Midal is one of the pioneers of meditation teaching in France. According to journalist Jean-Marie Durand, he is “one of the most important teachers of meditation in France”.

If you’re stressed, anxious, exhausted, crushed by a pressure that’s preventing you from succeeding,then the Masterclass “let yourself be” will relieve you of the pressure that society constantly exerts on you. Fabrice Midal will guide you, step by step, towards the path that society condemned a long time ago: that of self-acceptance and your emotions, both positive and negative. He’ll help you “reprogram” yourself to completely change the way you judge yourself and your negative emotions. By following this course, you’ll rediscover the life force within you to change your life.

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