General conditions of sale and use


These general conditions of sale and use apply to the use of the MentorShow website accessible at the address as well as to all the services offered there by the company We Mentor SASU .

Any Customer registering agrees to comply with them in their entirety and without the possibility of derogating from them for any reason whatsoever.



The terms below, when written with a capital letter, have the meaning given to them in these definitions for all of the General Conditions of Use of the site

Mentor (s): All MentorShow training and expert partners, listed on the Site and exercising an activity independent from that of MentorShow, whose contact details are accessible on the site.

Client (s): Any user, natural or legal person who connects to the site, browses, takes note, orders, and / or purchases a service offered by a trainer or an expert, who interacts with the Chat, who contacts customer service by phone or email in order to use one of the services offered by the site. The use of the Services is open to any natural person, of full age and capable, or any legal person. Minors between the ages of 16 and 18, subject to obtaining the consent of their parent.

Conditions, General Conditions, Conditions of Use, General Conditions of Use, General Conditions of Sale: Reference to these general conditions of use.

Training (s): training provided by a trainer or an expert in order to provide knowledge or technical elements.

Documentation: Information of purely informative value, published on the site, such as articles, or summary guides.

Customer Data: Information sent by a Customer to MentorShow for the purpose of using a Service after completing an online form on the Site, interacting with Chat, or contacting a Manager by phone or email.

Form (s): Questionnaire created by MentorShow, and completed by the Client.

Service (s): Any service offered and provided by the site to the Customers of the Site.

Site: The website accessible at the address, the infrastructure of which was developed by the company WeMentor SASU according to the computer formats usable on the Internet including data of different kinds, and in particular texts, sounds, still or moving images, videos, databases, intended for consultation by the User.

User (s): Natural or legal person who visits a page of the Site.

These General Conditions of Use apply, without restriction or reservation, to all Users and to all Services, existing or future, accessible by Customers of the Site.

The WeMentor Company reserves the right to modify these Conditions at any time by posting the modified conditions online on the Site.

Any connection to the Site is subject to compliance with these Conditions.



1.1 The Service is a marketplace for the provision of Training and Courses covering various themes and provided by our Trainers and Expert partners. The site offers an access service to a training library covering a fairly wide spectrum of themes (gastronomy, painting, art, lifestyle, science and technology, sports, the art of magic and performing).

WeMentor cannot be held responsible in any way for the content of the training offered or their suitability for the purpose sought by the Customer. The Customer remains the sole master of the training he chooses, and of the use he wishes to make of it.

1.2 The Company is not a training center and cannot be considered as such. It does not carry out any training activity and does not provide any expertise in any of the areas covered, and therefore cannot under any circumstances give personalized advice to its Customers. On the contrary, WeMentor reminds its Customers that it is their responsibility to assess the relevance of the training selected in relation to the chosen purpose.

The Service that it provides through the website only constitutes a connection with a trainer and / or an expert and would not be interpreted as being a training organization, and as such awarded diplomas or any other title recognized by the State.



2.1 Customer registration

Registration for the Service is open to any natural person, of full age and capable, or any legal person. However, minors between 16 and 18 years old may benefit from the services offered by the site subject to validation by one of their parents or legal guardian.

In the event of registration fraud by a minor pretending to be an adult, the parents will not be able to come and seek any liability on the part of the company WeMentor for access to the site to their minor child. .

The customer can register directly by mentioning his email address and a password, or either through an account opened with:

Facebook ;


The same natural or legal person cannot open several accounts on the Site. Use of an account is strictly personal.

In addition, the Company reserves the right to take legal action and claim damages against any person who has tried to cheat, deceive, or fraudulently use the services of the Company, or generate advantages or benefits. fraudulently or unfairly.

2.2 Information on the identifier and the connection

A Customer who opens an account on the site and who thereby accepts the GTC / GTCU described herein, is the holder of this account and has access to it through an identifier. and a password, chosen by the customer. This password can be changed in the Account Settings interface by the Customer on his personal account.

The username / password combination is strictly personal. It is therefore up to the Customer to guarantee that the confidentiality of this combination allowing him access to the service is maintained.

In the event of loss and / or forgetting of the password, the account holder may request the reset of his password from the Site.

Le Client s’engage également à ne communiquer ces informations d’identification et de mot de passe à aucune autre personne, ni à les prêter, donner, vendre et, de manière générale, mettre le compte et/ou le mot de passe à la disposition d’un tiers, pour quelque raison que ce soit. A défaut la responsabilité de la Société ne pourra être aucunement engagée en cas d’utilisation frauduleuse de ces informations.

En cas d’utilisation frauduleuse des Identifiants de connexion du Client du fait d’une faute ou négligence imputable à ce dernier, ou à l’un des salariés sous son contrôle ou son autorité hiérarchique, le Client sera responsable envers la Société de toute perte ou détérioration de données quelles qu’elles soient, et plus généralement de tout dommage subi en raison d’une utilisation du service non conforme aux règles édictées dans les présentes conditions générales.



3.1 The service offered by the site aims to provide Customers with training in sports, technical, artistic or any other fields previously prepared and recorded on video by our Trainers and Expert partners, and carried out by our team of directors.

Once an account has been created on the site, the customer has the option of subscribing to the following two options:

Formula known as the unit course;

Formula known as the “full access pass”

Unit course formula

By choosing this option, the customer is required to subscribe to one or more courses given by one or more experts present on the platform.

Once the course has been selected, the client is invited to:

Pay by credit card the amount of for the selected course (s);

Fill in all the information needed to prepare the invoice.

Once the payment has been made and the personal information entered, the customer accesses his online video course from 1h30 to 4h depending on the online course broken down into several practical lessons of 5 to 25 minutes. The online course can be supplemented with additional resources generally available in PDF format.

“Full access pass” formula

By choosing this option, the customer is required to take out an annual subscription to access all the online courses of the platform as well as those added later.

Once the full access pass has been selected, the customer is invited to:

Pay by credit card the amount of the annual subscription;

Fill in all the information necessary for preparing the invoice.

Once payment has been made and personal information entered, the customer can access the entire catalog of video courses on the platform. He will also be able to access all the additional resources available in PDF format.



WeMentor recalls that all of the training on the site is for informational purposes only, intended for anyone interested. The content of these training courses is not necessarily updated with the latest developments applicable in the field covered by the training.

The User who uses the training provided does so at his own risk and with full knowledge of the facts. It is their responsibility to ensure that the information provided is accurate, up to date, and appropriate for the intended purpose. The User is solely responsible for any damage that may arise from the use of these training courses.

It is again reminded that professional training is not the subject of the site



5.1 The formation of the contract between the company WeMentor and the Customer takes place after the choice of an offer, the acceptance of these General Conditions, and after payment by credit card. Once payment has been made, WeMentor undertakes to do its utmost to meet the Customer’s requests, without exceeding the framework set by these General Conditions of Use.

The Customer must show the best diligence to allow WeMentor to process his order correctly. The Customer must thus transmit to the company WeMentor any information necessary for the processing of his request when required.

5.2 The Customer determines the type of training plan he wishes based on the following possibilities:

Access to a single course via unit payment at the rate specified on the site;

Unlimited access to the entire library of training themes via the Full Access Pass.

5.3 The Client selects the plan that suits his needs and then selects the training (s) provided by one of our trainers and / or experts.

5.4. Once the course has been sectioned, the Customer proceeds to payment for the selected plan and immediately after payment receives an email confirming his order.



6.1 Payment is made by credit card on the secure site. The transaction is therefore carried out outside the Site in such a way that neither a third party nor the company MentorShow can read the data relating to the bank card used.

6.2 The MentorShow company establishes an invoice which will be delivered to the Client electronically, unless the Client expressly requests that the invoice be communicated at its expense by another means.



In view of the nature of the service provided by the Company MentorShow, and in accordance with Article L.121-21-8 paragraphs 1 and 13 of the Consumer Code: “The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts:

The provision of services fully performed before the end of the withdrawal period and whose performance has begun after the express prior consent of the consumer and express waiver of his right of withdrawal;

  • The supply of digital content not supplied on a physical medium, the execution of which has begun after the express prior consent of the consumer and express waiver of his right of withdrawal. “

Par ailleurs, conformément à l’Article L121-20-2 du Code de la Consommation : « Le droit de rétractation ne peut être exercé, sauf si les parties en sont convenues autrement, pour les contrats :

  • De fourniture de services dont l’exécution a commencé, avec l’accord du consommateur, avant la fin du délai de sept jours francs », aucun remboursement ne pourra être effectué, et ce quel que soit l’état d’avancement du projet du Client.

En effet, le contenu numérique est accessible immédiatement après paiement par le Client. Le prix est exigible à la commande, à la réception de laquelle un Gestionnaire commence à traiter le dossier. 

En conséquence, l’exécution du contrat débute dès l’instant où le paiement est finalisé.

Toutefois, les clients désireux se faire rembourser leur(s) cours ou leur Pass Accès Complet, pourront le faire sur simple demande dans un délai de 14 jours après la date de leur achat en adressant leur demande de remboursement.

Le client peut effectuer sa demande de remboursement sur cette page en indiquant les informations ci-dessous : 

  • Email associé à son compte MentorShow 
  • Le nom du cours en ligne pour lequel le client souhaite obtenir un remboursement. 

Une fois la demande reçue, le client sera remboursé des sommes payées dans un délai de 7 jours calendaires.

Les titulaires d’un Pass Accès Complet seront remboursés du montant de l’abonnement dans un délai de 7 jours calendaires et verront la souscription annulée sans qu’il ait besoin d’en faire la demande spécifiquement.



8.1 Hierarchy

The Service is provided in accordance with the T & Cs and the latter shall prevail over all other conditions appearing in any other document, except for prior express and written exemption.

8.2 Acceptance

These Terms of Sale and Use are applicable to all Customers and Users of the Site from the moment they access a page of the site .com.

The fact that WeMentor does not avail itself of these Terms at a time cannot be interpreted as a waiver of its subsequent use.

The Service is provided on the condition that the Client and the Partner Lawyer accept the GTC / TOS. The latter are deemed to have accepted the T & Cs / T & Cs simply by using the Service, which necessarily implies acceptance of the T & Cs / T & Cs. This recognition and the resulting acceptance are reiterated when the order is entered and the Client or Lawyer expressly declares to accept them without reservation.

These T & Cs / T & Cs govern the contractual relations between the Company, the Client and the Lawyer, who accept them without reservation.

In the event of non-compliance with these General Conditions or abuse by a User, WeMentor reserves the right, without prior warning, and unilaterally, to suspend the Service or to remove the access of the User concerned from temporary or permanent.

8.3 Modification

Any modification of the T & Cs / T & Cs is notified electronically to the Customer, who are free to refuse their application and thus terminate their registration. In the absence of the Customer’s express refusal of the GTC / GTCU, they will be applicable to the Customer’s next order. The invalidity of one provision of the T & Cs / T & Cs does not affect the validity of the others.



9.1 Complaints should be sent to either the email address [email protected]

Complaints can only relate to the Services offered on the Site. The content of the Documentation may not be the subject of any claim other than a request to withdraw specific content for infringement, this Documentation having only informational value.

The Company undertakes to respond to any complaint within a maximum period of 5 working days from receipt of an email or letter of complaint.

9.2 Any complaint relating to training for which the Customer has paid for a service must take into account these Terms of Use. In particular, complaints relating to compliance with deadlines, the purpose sought by the Customer by using the services offered by the company WeMentor, the suitability of the Service for the purpose sought by the Customer, or even the effects not anticipated by the Customer relating to a Service cannot receive a favorable response.

9.3 Any justified request for reimbursement must follow the terms of this article. WeMentor is committed to providing a repair solution, which may consist of a full or partial refund, or a credit note valid for our services.



10.1 The Company reserves the right to interrupt the Customer Service, if this constitutes a danger for the maintenance of the security of the Company’s hosting platform, in particular in the event of hacking of the Customer Service, the detection of a breach in the security of the system, or the use of the Service for purposes that do not comply with the general or specific conditions of the Company.

In addition, the Company deletes inactive accounts and all information associated with them in the following cases:

if one year has passed after the creation of an account, without actual payment of the training which was the subject of the account creation;

in the absence of the Customer’s connection to his account for a period of one year, except in the case of the full access pass.

10.2 The WeMentor company strives to allow access to the site at all times, except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond the control of the WeMentor company, and subject to any breakdowns and maintenance interventions necessary for proper operation. of the Site and the Services.

Consequently, WeMentor cannot guarantee availability of the Site and Services, reliability of transmissions and performance in terms of response time or quality.

The WeMentor company cannot be held liable in the event that it is impossible to access the Site.

In addition, WeMentor may be required to interrupt access to the Site or part of the Services, at any time without notice, all without the right to compensation. The User acknowledges and accepts that WeMentor is not responsible for interruptions, and the consequences that may result from them for the User or any third party.

10.3 Any event beyond the control of the parties and which is not reasonably foreseeable and impossible to overcome will be considered an event of force majeure.

WeMentor can not be held responsible for delays or non-performance of its contractual obligations resulting from the occurrence of events beyond its control, including but not limited to: fact of the prince, weather disturbances, absence or suspension of the supply of electricity. , lightning or fire, decision of a competent administrative authority, war, public disturbances, acts or omissions on the part of other telecommunications operators, or other events beyond the reasonable control of the company WeMentor.

All circumstances of this nature occurring after the conclusion of the contract and preventing the performance under normal conditions of a Service are considered as grounds for exemption from all or part of the obligations of the parties. Consequently, WeMentor cannot be held responsible for any resulting interruptions of Services and any subsequent damage.



11.1 In the event of non-compliance with the T & Cs / T & Cs, the Company may unilaterally and without delay terminate the registration of any Client or the account of any Trainers and / or Expert, by simple electronic notification, without prejudice to any damages that may be incurred. the Company could claim compensation for the breach.

11.2. The responsibility of the company WeMentor cannot be sought for any direct or indirect, material or immaterial, patrimonial, extra-patrimonial or moral, financial or commercial damage, including related but not only limited to:

any loss suffered;

any missed gain;

any damage to reputation or credit;

any costs and expenses incurred;

any devaluation;

any other professional impact.

11.3 The information and Documentation appearing on this site accessible by this site come from professional sources. However, this information and Documentation may contain inaccuracies. WeMentor reserves the right to correct them as soon as these errors are brought to its attention.

The use of the information and Documentation available on this site is done under the full and sole responsibility of the User, who assumes all the consequences that may result from it, without the responsibility of the company WeMentor being able to be sought in this respect, and without recourse against the latter.

WeMentor can in no way be held responsible for any damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from the interpretation or use of the information and Documentation available on this site.



Within the framework of the use of the Site, the personal data are collected in application of the law “Data processing and Freedoms” of January 6, 1978. As such, the operations of collection are the subject of a declaration of collection carried out with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté (CNIL).

Each User has the right to access, rectify, modify and / or delete their personal data only. Such rights are exercised on the Site and by email to the following address: info @ mentorshow

The Client agrees to appear on MentorShow’s client reference list for commercial reference. In order to improve the relevance of its services, MentorShow may need to record statistical and non-personal information relating to the use of the Services and the Site (frequency of use, quantity and type of data entered).

User traffic data within the site is collected strictly automatically. Said data relates only to the origin of the connections, the IP address, the characteristics of the web browser software and / or the pages viewed on the Site.

In any case, the Site does not collect data likely to allow the identification of each user considered.



13.1 Links to the site may exist on other websites. It is possible to create a link to the presentation page of the site without the express authorization of the company WeMentor. However, WeMentor reserves the right to request the removal of a link that it considers inconsistent with the purpose of the Site.

In addition, the company WeMentor can in no way be considered as an affiliate or a partner of the sites on which there is a hypertext link to unless expressly specified. The WeMentor company cannot control the content of the sites on which such links appear, and can in no way be held responsible or give its guarantee to these sites which have an existence of its own and independent of the WeMentor company.

13.2 The Site may also be enhanced with hypertext links to the website of partner or affiliated companies. WeMentor is also unable to monitor the content of partner sites in real time. By clicking on such a link, the User leaves the site .com at their own risk.

WeMentor can not be held responsible for the content of sites linked to on the site .com. The User is also invited to report to the site any third-party website containing a link to the site .com, or vice versa to which a link leads from the site www.mentorshow. com .com which would be contrary to public order or morality.

Furthermore, from the moment the Customer uses a link to a third-party site, he leaves the Site subject to these General Conditions of Use. WeMentor cannot guarantee that a third-party site adheres to the same security and confidentiality practices, and thus cannot be held responsible for the use that may be made of Customer data by said site.



14.1 Whatever they are and with the exception of those belonging to third parties, all the Services, training and content offered and published on the site (in particular the Documentation, information, data and databases , software, videos, soundtracks, photographs, illustrations, logos and brands, etc.) are the full, entire and exclusive property of WeMentor.

Any act of adaptation, alteration, representation, copying, reproduction, use, distribution, display or exploitation, in whole or in part, of any element present on the www.mentorshow site. com using any process or any medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited, whether it is a service or content belonging to the company WeMentor or to any third party and unless authorized prior and express exclusively delivered by the Site.

14.2 WeMentor disclaims all liability in the event of violation of any right held by a third party and perpetrated due to any act or any improper use by a User or a third party of the Services offered, from content of the Site or published Documentation.

14.3 Each User of the Site grants MentorShow the non-exclusive right to represent and reproduce the content that he publishes on the site, and in particular the comments and criticisms that he may make.

14.4 The “MENTORSHOW” brand, owned and protected by the Company WEMENTOR SASU, and as such any representation and / or reproduction and / or exploitation, whether partial or total, is totally prohibited. Anyone who violates respect for intellectual property rights is liable to sanctions.



If any of the provisions of these Conditions is declared null and void, it will be deemed unwritten, without voiding all of the conditions.

If necessary, WeMentor reserves the right to make changes to said stipulations. All the other stipulations retain their binding force and their effects.



By providing his email address, the User agrees to receive a newsletter (newsletter) sent at the frequency chosen by MentorShow.

The User can ask MentorShow, at any time, to stop receiving newsletters.



Both this Site and the terms and conditions of its use are governed by French law, regardless of the place of use.

Any dispute will give rise before any legal action to a mediation phase during which the parties will try to reach an agreement on the dispute between them.

In the event of a possible dispute, and after the failure of any attempt to find an amicable solution, the parties must submit the dispute to an arbitrator duly authorized to deal with the disputes in the matter.

The costs associated with the arbitration will be borne in half by each of the parties and will be paid directly to the arbitrator.

For any questions relating to these Terms of Use of the Site, you can write to us at the following address: [email protected]